摘 要
随着计算机的普及,网络技术的发展,校园网已经成为高校的主要媒体。大多高校的校园网整合了先进的、科研管理系统、教学管理系统、办公管理系统、图书馆信息化平台等相关业务功能平台,在高校发展中发挥了重要作用。微博(Micro-blogging,Microblog)是现今互联网发展新浪潮中引人瞩目的新生媒体,具有高集成化和开放化、便捷性、即时性、互动性、群聚性等特点,充分体现了Web2.0的互动与分享的核心概念。基于微博的特点,将它应用在高校现代化教育、科研等领域有很大潜力。校园网微博系统的设计与实现工作是针对校园网的应用特点设计开发微博系统,将其作为有利协作工具应用于现代化教育、科研,进行一些有益的探索。 本文首先以传播学理论、现代学习理论、教育传播学理论作为理论基础,从受众等角度展开分析,阐述了相关理论对系统分析与设计的重要指导意义,然后从经济可行性、管理可行性、技术可行性、操作可行性几个方面进行了系统开发的可行性分析,并对系统进行了详细的需求分析。在需求分析的基础上,针对校园网的特点和微博系统的特点,提出了实际建设系统的技术要点,进行了校园网微博系统的总体设计,功能模块设计,数据库的设计,并使用JAVA和MySQL实现系统,描述了系统的主要实现情况。最后,在以上实践基础上,对校园网微博系统的设计实现及今后的工作提出了总结与展望。
关键词:J2EE ;微博 ;系统
With the popularization of computer and the development of network technology, campus network has become the main media in Colleges and universities. Most of the campus network integration platform related business of advanced, scientific management system, teaching management system, office management system, library information platform, has played an important role in the development of universities. Micro-blog (Micro-blogging, Microblog) is the development of the Internet and new media in the new wave of high-profile, high integration and openness, convenience, immediacy, interactivity, clustering and other characteristics, fully embodies the Web2.0 interaction with the core concept of sharing. Based on the characteristics of micro-blog, it has great potential in the field of modern education, scientific research and so on. The design and implementation of campus network micro-blog system is designed and developed according to the characteristics of the campus network, which is used as a useful tool for modern education, scientific research, and some useful exploration of the micro-blog system. Based on the communication theory, modern learning theory, educational communication theory as the theoretical basis, from the audience perspective analysis, this paper expounds the important significance of theory analysis and design of the system, and then from the economic feasibility, technical feasibility, management feasibility, operation feasibility of several aspects of the analysis of the feasibility of system development. And has carried on the detailed demand analysis. On the basis of the demand analysis, the characteristics of the campus network and the micro-blog system, put forward the technical points of the actual construction of the system, the overall design of the campus network of the micro-blog system, function module design, database design, and use JAVA and MySQL to realize the system, the main achievement of the system. Finally, on the basis of the above practice, the paper summarizes and prospects the design and implementation of campus network micro-blog system.
Keywords: J2EE; micro-blog; system
目 录