基于jsp的英语培训机构的设计与实现 _论文分享

基于jsp的英语培训机构的设计与实现 _论文分享[java毕业论文下载]

摘    要


   在传统的以课本为主导的课堂环境下,教师是知识信息传播的主体,学生被动的参与整个教学过程,这种应试教育的模式培养出来的学生虽然学业成绩出众,但无法将所学的知识与实践相结合,学不能致用。 建构主义理论起源于皮亚杰的儿童认知发展理论,它认为儿童是在与周围环境相互作用的过程中,逐步建构起关于外部世界的知识,从而使自身认识结构得到发展。建构主义理论对教育教学活动产生了巨大的影响,在建构主义思想指导下可以形成一套新的比较有效的认知学习理论,并在此基础上实现较理想的建构主义学习环境。建构主义教学理论强调知识的获取是学习主体自我建构的过程,它提倡在教师指导下的、以学习者为中心的学习,也就是说,既强调学习者的认知主体作用,又不忽视教师的指导作用。教师是知识意义建构的帮助者、促进者,而不是知识的灌输者。学生是信息加工的主体、是意义的主动建构者,而不是外部刺激的被动接受者和被灌输的对象。 在这篇文章中,作者试图从理论的角度探索建构主义及其教育教学理论的形成,同时作者通过在英孚英语教育培训机构一年的教学实践,尝试以具体案例探究建构主义教学理论在英语培训机构英语教与学过程中的应用及其对外语教学体制产生的影响和启示。“建构式教”主要强调教师促进认知,激发学习动机与兴趣,设计建构性学习环境,包括教学过程(活动)以及教学资源(工具)两个层面。“建构式学”主要强调学生积极地参与教学活动,主动地建构知识和意义,包括学习策略与学习评价两个层面。积极培养“建构式教学”形态,开展互动式教学,保证“学生主动参与”,使用英语进行交流和学习,积极构建“有效课堂”,这样教师与学生之间、学生彼此之间、学生和教学材料之间才能相互作用达到教学相长,师生并进的有效外语学习过程,才能真正实现学以致用的教学目的。


关键词培训机构 ;网上 ;JSP










In the traditional classroom environment dominated by textbooks, teachers are the main body of knowledge information dissemination. Students participate in the whole teaching process passively. The students who have trained the pattern of exam oriented education have outstanding academic achievements, but they can not combine the knowledge and practice, and the learning can not be used. The theory of Constructivism originated from Piaget's theory of children's cognitive development. It believes that children are gradually constructing knowledge about the external world in the process of interacting with the surrounding environment, thus making their own understanding of the structure developed. Constructivist theory has a great influence on education and teaching activities. Under the guidance of constructivism, a new and more effective theory of cognitive learning can be formed. On this basis, an ideal learning environment for constructivism can be realized. The constructivist teaching theory emphasizes that the acquisition of knowledge is the process of self construction of the subject, which advocates the learner centered learning under the guidance of teachers, that is to say, not only emphasizes the role of the learner's cognitive subject, but also does not neglect the instructor's guiding role. Teachers are the facilitators and promoters of the construction of knowledge meaning, rather than the instilling of knowledge. Students are the subjects of information processing and active constructors of meaning, rather than passive receivers and instilled objects of external stimuli. In this article, the author tries to explore the formation of constructivism and the theory of education and teaching from a theoretical point of view. At the same time, the author tries to explore the application of constructivist teaching theory to English teaching and learning in English training institutions and its foreign language through a year's teaching practice in English education and training institutions. The influence and Enlightenment of the language teaching system. "Constructivism" mainly emphasizes teachers to promote cognition, stimulate learning motivation and interest, and design constructive learning environment, including two aspects of teaching process (activity) and teaching resources (tools). Constructivism mainly emphasizes students' active participation in teaching activities, and actively constructs two levels of knowledge and meaning, including learning strategies and learning evaluation. We should actively cultivate "constructive teaching" form, carry out interactive teaching, ensure "students participate actively", communicate and study in English, and actively construct "effective classroom", so that teachers and students, students, students and teaching materials can interact with each other, teachers and students are advanced. Only in the process of effective foreign language learning can we really achieve the purpose of learning for practical purposes.



Keywords: Training institutions; online; JSP.



目  录 7

1.前言 9

1.1课题背景 9

1.2 课题目标 9

1.3 课题意义 10

2.关键技术介绍 11

2.1 Jsp技术 11

2.2 Java技术 11

2.3 MySql技术 12

2.4 Jdbc桥技术 12

2.5 JavaBean技术 12

3.可行性研究 13

3.1经济可行性分析 13

3.2 操作可行性分析 13

3.3 技术可行性分析 14

3.4 可行性综合分析 14

4.系统需求分析 14

4.1系统流程概述 14

5.系统总体设计 15

5.1 系统功能设计 15

5.2 数据库设计 15

t_admin 15

t_contact建议 16

t_customer客户 16

t_fwzc服务支持 16

t_gsjs公司介绍 17

t_lbt轮播图 17

t_pinglun_product 17

t_product课程 17

t_szll师资力量 18

t_types分类 18

t_user普通员工 18

t_wdxx我的消息 18

t_yxxy优秀学员 19

t_zx资讯 19

6.系统详细设计 19

6.1 超级管理员身份验证模块 19

6.2 课程资讯管理 25

6.3注册用户管理 28

6.4课程管理 31

6.5员工管理 34

6.6留言板管理 37

6.7师资力量管理 39

7.系统测试 43

7.1测试原则 43

7.2 测试实例 43

7.3 测试小结 44

8.总结 45

9.参考文献 46

致  谢 47


基于jsp的英语培训机构的设计与实现 _论文分享[点击下载]





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