摘 要
企业员工经验库系统就是大公司必备的管理系统,它是一个计算机软硬件资源以及数据库的人-机系统。经过对题目和内容的分析,选用了Oracle公司的Java开发语言,由于它提供了用于从数据库中访问数据的强大工具集,使用它可以建立开发比较完善的数据库操作应用程序,并利用Mysql提供数据库。根据实际情况,使用快速原型法(Rapid Prototyping)即以少量代价快速地构造一个可执行的软件系统模型。以此为基础,搭建了系统框架,对其下的功能模块进行了划分。初步实现了诸如添加、删除、查询、修改等功能,并通过权限控制,为不同的登录用户提供不同的功能。其间不断对系统进行改进和完善,解决了一些在数据更新时遇到的问题,并针对系统的不足之处,提出了新的解决方案。
关键词:企业 ;管理 ;经验
The employee experience database system is a necessary management system for a large company. It is a human machine system of computer hardware and software resources and database. After the analysis of the topic and content, the Oracle company's Java development language is selected. Because it provides a powerful tool set for accessing data from the database, it can be used to develop a relatively perfect database operation application and to use Mysql to provide the database. According to the actual situation, we use Rapid Prototyping to construct an executable software system model at a small cost. On this basis, a system framework is built, and the functional modules under it are partitions. It initially implements functions such as adding, deleting, querying, modifying and so on, and provides different functions for different logon users through permissions control. In the meantime, the system is constantly improved and perfected, and some problems encountered in the update of data are solved, and a new solution is put forward in view of the shortcomings of the system.
Keywords: Enterprise; management; experience.
目 录
用户通过输入姓名、密码、职工履历等基本信息,由系统自行生成相应的统计数据及各类统计报表以供用户查询、打印,另外操作人员还可以对这些基本信息进行定期的更新和删除, 企业员工经验库系统力求给用户方便快捷的途径去管理这些繁琐的数据